Laby Rinthe 2020


Taking Care of Your Teeth With Minor Changes

Here are some ideas on how to take care of your teeth.

Use Bottled Water
If you are traveling in a place that does not have clean tap water, then you will need avoid using it to brush your teeth. You will need to use bottled water.

Chew Gum

You may not be able to brush your teeth as soon as you like. One of the things that you can to keep your mouth healthy is to chew sugar-free gum. Chewing gums helps stimulate the production of saliva, which naturally cleans your teeth. Green tea is another thing that can help keep your mouth healthy. In fact, studies have shown that green tea can destroy bacteria.

Flossing will help you keep your teeth and gums healthy. You will need to floss at least once a day. Flossing is something that you can do just about anywhere.

Seek Treatment Right Away

You may be able to wait until you get home if you have a dental problem. However, there are some dental problems that need to be corrected right away. If you have a toothache that does not go away, then you should see a dentist. You also need to see a dentist if you notice swelling around your gums. You can ask the front desk staff at the hotel if you need a dentist.

Face & Neck Lift Surgery

Rhytidectomy, or facelift, is a surgical procedure to improve the signs of aging in the face and neck. According to recent statics by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it is the fifth most common cosmetic surgery procedure. Aging in the face and neck results from the effects of gravity and loss of volume over time. These signs of aging often include loss of skin elasticity, sagging in the mid-face, the formation of jowls, and loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin that can produce the appearance of a double chin.

Depending on the changes that you and your plastic surgeon discuss, your surgical choices include a traditional facelift, a limited incision or mini facelift, or a neck lift. There are multiple variations in each procedure, and is up to you and your plastic surgeon to choose the one that is best for you during your consultation process. The traditional facelift utilizes incisions that extend from the temples, down in front of the ears and around the earlobe to hairline. Often the incision is extended from behind the ears into the hairline. This incision allows elevation of the sagging face, refinement of the jaw line, and tightening of the neck. Fat grafting may be done at the same time as the facelift to restore volume in key areas of the face. An additional incision is often placed under the chin to allow tightening of muscles and removal of excess fat. The goals of facial plastic surgery are to produce a more youthful appearance through repositioning the deeper layers of the face and removing excess skin.

Benefits of Concierge Medicine

Not only do local patients have an easier time making an appointment, but they also have an easier time getting in touch with their physician or internal medicine internist. Some physicians allow their patients to call, text and Skype with them.

Better Patient Outcome

Studies have shown that concierge medicine has better outcomes. Patients who have chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol have an easier time managing them. They are also less likely to end up in the hospital due to complications from a chronic illness.

Preventative Care

Concierge doctors place a lot of emphasis on preventative care. Because they are able to spend more time with patients, they are able to educate them about what they can do to stay healthy. Focusing on preventative care helps improve a patient’s overall health.


While patients will have to pay a fee upfront for concierge medicine, they will be able to save money in the long run. Focusing on preventative care helps patients save money on their healthcare. Concierge physicians also help patients save money by ordering fewer tests. Traditional doctors have to order a lot of tests because they do not have a lot of time to spend with the patients.

Incisions Used For Breast Augmentation

There are several incisions used for this procedure. The most common incision used for breast augmentation is still the inframammary crease incision and is made under the breast mound in the crease or fold of the breast and chest wall. The advantage to this incision is it offers very good access to the implant pocket regardless of whether the pocket is above or below the pectoralis muscle and is quick direct access for any additional procedures which may be necessary in the future such as capsulectomy or capsulorhaphy (manipulating or removing the capsule that forms around the breast implant). The disadvantage to this scar is that it may be noticeable if the patient doesn’t have a well defined crease under her breast or when lying down.

The peri-areolar incision is another very popular incision for breast augmentation and is made between the colored portion of the areola and the adjacent skin. This scar is in the most conspicuous place; but most often is barely perceptible because the scar is camouflaged due to placement within the existing natural color change of the areola. This incision also allows excellent access to the implant pocket and for any revisions of the capsule in the future. There has been speculation that this incision may have higher incidence of injury to the nerves of the nipple/areola. This is not necessarily true if the local plastic surgeon does not go through the breast gland, but instead tunnels around it in the subcutaneous plane as previously mentioned. Another potential disadvantage is increased risk of infection as the nipple ducts can harbor bacteria which may contaminate the cosmetic surgery field. This method has an advantage for the release of inferior breast gland tissues from the skin envelope which can sometimes aid in slightly lifting the breast in certain cases where minor breast sagging occurs but isn’t severe enough to require a full breast lift surgery (mastopexy).